The Sold Out Christian

This subject is spoken to many and heard only by a very few.  Just what does a sold out Christian look like, or better yet feel like?

To completely sell out to Christ Jesus is nothing like you have ever experienced before. Many might claim that they are sold out but are not.

Being sold out to Christ is not a salvation experience, it is a next step—and a big step. If you are ever able to come to this place in your walk where you love Christ more than you care for anything else in your life, including yourself, then you will know what being sold out feels like.

I can promise you with all certainty that if you are sold out to the Lord God, you will surely know.

To coin a phrase that was used in my younger days, “Talk is cheap.” Anyone can say they are sold out, but they are only fooling those who hear them, they themselves will know the truth.

I think it’s virtually impossible for those who are not sold out to Christ to understand what it means, what it feels like, and the differences that come with it.

Let me explain something, I was a saved Christian for 25 years before I completely sold out to God! So I understand the lack of understanding.

When you were saved, if there was nothing different—if things didn’t change—you might want to examine your salvation. Many, including myself, will be saved and walk in God’s way for a time and then backslide into the old self.

Remember, the Bible says “be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” This is the understood transformation of salvation.

Some will completely sell out to God very quickly and others will not. The Scripture says we must Love the Lord with ALL our mind, heart, soul, and strength.

Jesus said we must deny ourselves and take up our Cross and follow Him! That Cross is to crucify our old self upon! The Old you/me must pass away so that we can truly become that New Creature.

As I stated, I had been saved for 25 years before I completely sold out to God. (I attribute the delay to God’s timing) Just a few days after I came to the realization I had to give myself fully to the Lord, I was “summoned” to Teach.

Allow me to explain my word choice, in the Scripture Matthew 22:14 states “for many are called but few are (Chosen/Summoned/Invited) I believe the proper translation of the Greek is summoned.

I believe this for a number of reasons, the most important being when it happens it cannot be resisted; it’s like a compulsion that you are unable to ignore.

I’ll take a moment to explain the differences of a task you are inclined towards, volunteer for, choose to do, or are Summoned to do.

For example, you may have an inclination to sing so you join the choir. There may be a need in your church for some position such as a Sunday school teacher or other service to your community and you volunteer for that task, or perhaps you see a need in a mission field and make the choice to take up that effort.

I’ll give you another example of what being Summoned is like—It’s now 1:53 a.m. I am finishing this teaching because I feel this deep urge that I must do it.

Pastors will tell you that they, too, will often wake up with a message or sermon in their head at all hours of the night, or that many times they have prepared for a message only to have the Holy Spirit change it at the last minute.

When I completely surrendered to God, my life changed in so many ways. I began to think differently, I often wake up in prayer and dream of praying, God occupies virtually all of my conscious thought. 

My personality has changed, I have become compassionate in areas I would have never been before. My speech has changed and I listen in ways I can’t imagine I would have before.

I have come to know true Joy. I’m not talking about happiness, I’ve known happiness before but Joy is far different. My understanding of the Scripture has become far deeper than I had ever experienced. (The renewing of the mind).

I have learned that you can hold your thoughts captive. Instead of looking to accomplish something for myself, my desire is to teach the depth of the Word to benefit others.

When I see someone come to the Lord, my heart rejoices. Oh, I saw it was a good thing before, but this is far different. Now, when I see someone turn from God and refuse to listen, it deeply saddens me where before, it aggravated me.

My thoughts, reactions, and responses are to please God rather than to be self-serving. (I have realized the New Creature.) It seems odd to the ear to hear someone say they despise who they were, but I do. 

If you earnestly want to experience the New Creature, then sell out to God! Surrender completely; let your thoughts be “More of You, Lord, and less of me.”

You must have a desire to be a servant of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Savior Jesus Christ! I understand that many are not in the place in their heart where this is possible yet, but If you Love the Lord, you must strive to get there.

Then and only then can you say you love the Lord with ALL your heart, mind, soul, and strength.

Jesus said “come to me all you who are tired and heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. And He will!

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple